Mental Set
This experiment replicates the work of Luchins (1942). Luchins used his well-known water jug problem as a model for the problem-solving error known as mental set. Mental set is an inhibitory phenomenon that has been identified in the higher-level cognitive domain known as problem solving. It occurs when individuals are required to solve a novel problem and employ a frequently used strategy that has been successful with other types of problems. In the water jug problem, participants are required to find the optimal strategy for filling a water jug of a specified volume. They are presented with other jugs of various sizes and must use them to produce the desired volume. Luchins (1942) identified a perseveration error in this procedure: Participants who are forced to use a particular strategy in the early examples fail to shift to a more efficient strategy later because they have taken on a “mental set” and they continue to solve problems in the manner that was most effective in the early examples.
Luchins, A.S. (1942). Mechanization in problem solving: The effect of Einstellung. Psychological Monographs,54(6), 3-95.
Wiley, J. (1998). Expertise as mental set: The effects of domain knowledge in creative problem solving. Memory & Cognition, 26(4), 716-730.
Hunter, I.M. (1956). The influence of mental set on problem solving. British Journal of Psychology, 47, 63-64.
You will need to press the space bar to start the experiment. When you do, a set of problems will appear on the screen one at a time, with instructions on how to solve the problem and enter your answer. After you enter your answer for one problem, press the Enter key. A new screen will be displayed that will prompt you to move on to the next problem. When you have solved all the problems, the experiment will be finished.
Begin Experiment